Subtitle: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script

I chose to read this book after reading another book about screenwriting a few months ago which included this book on their list of recommended reading.

While that earlier book gave a big picture look at screenwriting, The Screenwriter’s Bible goes into a lot more detail. This was definitely not a quick read, but for anyone with a halfway serious desire to write a script for movies or television, it is an extremely worthwhile read.

Probably the most intimidating thing about screenwriting is the special formatting required. While there are software programs that can handle all of that, the book is quite helpful in explaining the meaning of all the different formatting codes and options.

Another reason for reading this book was on the off chance that there might be some general writing tips that would apply to writing novels. Even though screenwriting does required a somewhat different set of writing skills, I believe it did include advice that I can apply to my writing.

I gave The Guide for Every Screenwriter five stars on Goodreads. I’ll probably have to check it out again in a few weeks because of the amount of material it contains.